How to Survive Middle School Slang

 Middle schoolers say really weird things in this day and age. Like.. really weird. I thought compiling a list of some words they use and what they mean would be helpful so we are catching the not great ones, and using phrases against them. If you haven't picked up on middle school slang as a form of classroom management, I highly encourage you do. It throws them off and it's great. Alright, here is my list:

Lock in

Lock in means to focus. You might here students say, "Yo this assignment is hard, I got to lock in." This means you needs to get it together and focus on the task. 


This one can be used in different ways. If you hear, "Bro you're cooked," that means you are in trouble or not in a good position. If you hear "let me cook," this is more like, I am about to say or do something super cool, so let me talk. 

Big Back Energy

This one isn't great. It is referring to someone who eats a lot. I have heard it used when someone says they like a certain type of food. For example: 

Student 1: I love hot cheetos 

Student 2: That's big back energy 

Crash Out 

This means you are about to give up or have a temper tantrum. For example, you might give a student a difficult assignment and they say "This worksheet is going to make me crash out." I have made students "crash out" from changing seats, giving them work, really anything they don't like. 

Note: This one is fun to use as a teacher. I tell them all the time that I am going to "crash out" if I get one more assignment turned in with no name. 

Hawk Tuah 

SHUT THIS ONE DOWN IMMEDIATELY! It is highly inappropriate. It was a tik tok that went viral describing a sexual act. 


This one is a positive. Its complementing someone's outfit usually. You might hear, "Miss, that outfit ate." 


This is negative. Anything that is lame or not cool is "Ohio." 


Someone who is against you. They usually use this in a joking manner. For example "Kenny is my opp" 

Good Boy

I hate this one so much.. This one is used when someone does something for one another. For example: 

Student 1: Can I borrow a pencil

Student 2: Gives them a pencil 

Student 1: Good boy 

I don't care for it because I feel like it discourages students to be nice to each other and it's just a little annoying. 


This is a compliment. They might say, "your hair is giving today" or "that outfit is giving." 

There are so many more that I could define, but if you like this resource and want to know more words that middle schoolers say and you don't know the meaning, feel free to leave a comment and I can add to this! 


How to Survive Middle School Slang

 Middle schoolers say really weird things in this day and age. Like.. really weird. I thought compiling a list of some words they use and wh...